3 Serviced Urgent Care Can Provide

Urgent Care Herndon, VA

Urgent care centers are a much-needed alternative to emergency rooms. They have grown in popularity and provide an affordable, convenient way to get the medical attention you need without waiting for days. While our urgent care center provides many services, here is a breakdown of three of the most common.

Urgent Care Services

Our urgent care facility can provide patients with a diagnosis and treatment plan. We can also advise on follow-up care, how to avoid similar conditions, and referrals to primary or specialized medical providers (if necessary). Our doctors can also prescribe medications for minor illnesses or conditions such as cuts, burns, animal bites, broken bones, the common cold, and the flu.

Cuts, Burns, and Animal Bites

Cuts, burns, and animal bites are common occurrences for people of all ages. They can happen anywhere (at home or the workplace). The following are a few examples of how we can treat each:

  • Cuts. Cuts are one of the most common injuries our medical professionals see. After stopping the bleeding, we will assess the damage, clean the area, and apply stitches (if needed). The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic and pain medication to speed up healing time if necessary.
  • Burns. Burns happen when the skin is exposed to extreme levels of heat or fire. There are many types of burns, including sunburns and scalds from liquids like water or even soup. There are also different degree levels of burns: first, second, and third. Our team can dress a burn with special bandages after applying ointments that reduce pain and promote the skin’s healing.
  • Animal bites. Animal bites can be just as serious because they can often lead to infections in humans. Therefore, immediate treatment is necessary. We will treat bites by cleaning the wound with an antiseptic solution and covering it with a bandage until it heals completely (patients will be given additional bandages for home care). These usually require antibiotics and pain medication.

Sprains and Broken Bones

A sprain occurs when ligaments in the patient’s connective tissues become overstretched, torn, or twisted. The most common sprains are ankles, knees, wrists, and thumbs. Sprains can range from mild to severe. Upon arriving at the urgent care facility, we may take X-rays and perform a physical exam to learn the true extent of the damage. We will then wrap the sprained body part, provide a medical boot, and write a letter for the patient’s job or school, letting them know the patient needs to rest for a certain period.

If a patient has a fracture (broken bone), the process will be similar in us taking X-rays or an MRI, but instead of a traditional wrapping, we provide the patient with a cast, a prescription for pain, and a recommendation for follow-up appointments. The doctor may also recommend other facilities for physical or occupational therapy to be completed once the fracture has healed.

Colds and Flus

The cold and flu symptoms are similar, with the flu being more severe. When patients visit an urgent care for either, they seek relief from the following: fever over 101 degrees, muscle aches or weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness, congestion, chills, sweating, loss of appetite, sore throat, and nausea. Since the cause may be from a viral infection known as influenza, we may prescribe antibiotics or give the patient anti-inflammatories or a steroid shot. 

Usually, no follow appointments are necessary. However, if the patient is still experiencing moderate to severe symptoms a week after visiting our facility, we will either suggest they return or seek emergency services.

Call Us Today

We hope this article has been beneficial to you. However, if you are still unsure about what type of care you need, we encourage you to contact our Herndon clinic by calling (703) 743-7849. Our staff will help determine if your symptoms warrant an emergency room visit or if they can be treated at the Millennium Medical Care Herndon facility.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Urgent Care in Herndon, VA.

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