Anu Jeswin George, FNP

Anu Jeswin George

Family Nurse Practitioner

Anu Jeswin George earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from George Mason University and is a Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She has been a Nurse Practitioner in Family Medicine for over two years and loves to build connections with patients. Anu had more than ten years of nursing experience in cardiac, ambulatory, and academia before she became a Nurse Practitioner. Anu enjoys partnering with patients to promote health through individualized healthcare plans based on her experience, scientific evidence, collaboration, and shared decision-making.

Anu lives in Chantilly with her husband, son, and daughter, all of whom keep her laughing and very busy.

Contact Us

Millennium Medical Care Herndon is located at
1043 Sterling Rd Suite 104
Herndon, VA 20170

(703) 743-7849